Power Products Sales and Service, Inc.
Sable Offshore site. We supplied all the torque and tensioning equipment and pipe cutting equipment during the original construction and the rigs are standardized on Hydratight Sweeney tools.
Black & Veatch/Alstom Power Agawam Ma. Supplied all torque and tensioning equipment for the turbine and make up of bolted flanges,supplied all pipe cutting and end prep equipment, performed hydro’s and chemical clean on boilers.
Black & Veatch/ O’Connor Constructors / Skygen/ Jay Maine. Supplied onsite machining services, performed hydro’s, turbine oil flushes and chemical clean on boiler.
Duke Flour Daniels/ Saxon Group/Independence project Veazy Maine. Supplied torque and tensioning equipment, pipe prep equipment, Orbital welding equipment and training as well as chemical clean anh hydro’s on the HRSG, Turbine alignment equipment and bolt heating equipment.
Black& Veatch/ Alstom Power/Milford Ct. Supplied all onsite machining services as well as end prep equipment,supplied all torque and tensioning equipment and training for the above tooling, performed hydroblasting on turbine lube oil system and main steam.
Dick Corp/ Alstom Power/ Lake Rd project. Supplied all torque and tensioning equipment, all boiler tube end prep equipment as well as pipe prep equipment, performed steam blows, hydro’s and chemical clean on three hrsg’s also hydro blasting on lube oil system and main steam.
Dick Corp/ Alstom Power/ Blackstone Ma. Supplied all torque and tensioning equipment and performed all onsite machining services as well as all pipe prep equipment,Performed hydro’s and chemical clean on hrsg’s as well as turbine alignment equipment.
Dick Corp/Williams Union Boiler/Londonderry NH. Supplied all onsite machining services as well as all end prep equipment for small bore and large bore pipe, performed Hydro’s as well as chemical clean on boilers and turbine alignment equipment and turbine oil flushes.
Dick Corp/ Alstom Power/ Boston Power Group Bellingham Ma. Supplied all torque and tensioning equipment as well as all pipe prep equipment on large and small bore pipe, performed all onsite machining services, hydroblasting, chemical clean and hydro’s on hrsg’s
Washington Group International / Keystone Engineering Mystic station / Boston Ma.Supplied all torque and tensioning equipment for turbines and flanged connections, supplied all onsite machining services as well as all end prep equipment on large bore piping and small bore boiler tubes, performed hydro’s and chemical clean on hrsg’s,supplied turbine alignment equipment as well as bolt heating equipment.
Washington Group International / Keystone Engineering /
Ma./ Fore River Project. Supplied Induction Stress relieving equipment and training, all torque and tensionong equipment and training, all on site machining services as well as end prep equipment and pipe cutting equipment for large bore p91 and small bore boiler tubes, performed hydro’s and chemical cleaning on hrsg’s as well as turbine oil flush equipment also turbine alignment equipment.
Stolt Offshore / Boston Harbor Pipeline Project.Supplied tensioning equipment and onsite training for tensioning 30″ 900lb flanges topside and subsea.
Stone and Webster / O’Connor Constructors / Tiverton RI.Supplied onsite machining services and beveling equipment
- Elecrric Boat Corp/ Groton and Quansett Point Ri.
- ANP Power
- Bath Iron Works/ General Dynamics
- Halifax Ship
- Northeast Ship Repair
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
- Dominion Power
- Nextera Energy
- Nova Scotia Power
- Newfoundland Labrador Power
- Hibernia Management
- Keiwitt Corporation
- Excellon Power
- O’Connor corp
- Tucker Mechanical
- Cianbro Corporation
- International Paper
- Irving Refinery
- Bechtel Corp
- Central Maine Power
- New Brunswick Power
- Vale
- Sunny Corner Enterprises
- Amec